

  • 台北市會計師公會感謝狀

  • 新莊國中傑出校友獎

  • 全球台商協會感謝函

  • 中華民國全國商業總會

  • 新北市圓夢基金會管理會委員

  • 新北市輔仁會計教育基金會董事

  • 新北市政府經濟發展局感謝狀

  • 106年輔仁大學會計學系感謝狀

  • It is our honour to receive this greatest recognition in 2017. TD is proud to announce that we've been selected to be winner of 2017 Golden Peak Awards of Outstanding Enterprises.

  • 新北稅務代理人協會感謝狀

  • It is our honour to receive this greatest recognition in 2017. TD is proud to announce that we've been selected to be winner of 2017 Golden Peak Awards of Outstanding Enterprises.

  • TVBS台灣文教基金會感謝狀

  • 台北市會計師公會感謝狀

  • 醫療產業管理發展學會

  • 會計師公會感謝狀

  • 105年台灣省會計公會感謝狀

  • 新北市經濟發展局感謝狀

  • 全國商業總會感謝狀

  • 會計師公會獎狀

  • 華人公益節證書

  • 106新北市政府感謝狀

  • 台北市會計師公會感謝狀

  • It is our honour to receive this greatest recognition in 2017. TD is proud to announce that we've been selected to be winner of 2017 Golden Peak Awards of Outstanding Enterprises.

  • It is our honour to receive this greatest recognition in 2017. TD is proud to announce that we've been selected to be winner of 2017 Golden Peak Awards of Outstanding Enterprises.

  • It is our honour to receive this greatest recognition in 2017. TD is proud to announce that we've been selected to be winner of 2017 Golden Peak Awards of Outstanding Enterprises.

  • 台北市華麗扶輪社感謝狀

  • 108年新莊國民中學感謝狀

  • 新北市稅務代理人協會感謝狀

  • 稅務代理人協會感謝狀

  • 中華民國工商建設研究會

  • 輔大會計學系演講感謝狀

  • 台北市會計師公會獎狀

  • 所長參與科技食安把關

  • 救國團指導委員會

  • 台灣巴菲特公益協會感謝狀


