多次名列美國投資權威雜誌《機構投資人》(Institutional Investor)「全美明星投資團隊」的頂尖經濟學者 David Rosenberg 相信,美國通膨的僵固程度沒有市場想像高。
Rosenberg 27日透過Twitter表示,美國新公布的個人消費支出(PCE)平減指數,其實只有三大項通膨較火熱,分別是房屋、二手車及金融服務。其餘物價月增率都低於0.2%,通膨僵固性沒有大家想像嚴重。
Today’s “hot” PCE deflator came down to just three sectors: housing, used cars and financial services. The rest of the index actually came in below +0.2% MoM. Less sticky than you think, if you actually take the time to look underneath the hood.
— David Rosenberg (@EconguyRosie) May 26, 2023
Almost two-thirds of that PCE deflator actually came in at +0.1%! The most cyclical segments deflated: Recreation goods, new autos, home improvement, delivery services, air fares, rail transport, car rental, hotels, appliances, and furniture. And I won’t back down …
— David Rosenberg (@EconguyRosie) May 26, 2023
這項數據立即推升當時Fed的6月升息機率。芝加哥商業交易所(CME)的FedWatch工具顯示,截至台北時間5月29日上午6點14分,聯邦基金期貨投資人預測,Fed 6月升息一碼至5.25%~5.50%的機率從一週前17.4%跳升至66.5%。
(本文由 MoneyDJ新聞 授權轉載;首圖來源:Unsplash)
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